Friday, November 04, 2005


Yes, I do. And my mother thinks I'm nuts.

And I think that this is just a vicious rumor. There is no redeeming value in sauerkraut.


Anonymous said...


I'm with you on this one.

-Pastor Fickel

Orycteropus Afer said...

Even now that the evidence points toward it helping to prevent the flu?

Bethany said...

I think that if the avian flu shows up around here I'll let my mother force-feed me sauerkraut, but until then I'm steering clear of the stuff.

shiny said...

Me, too!!!

Not that that should suprise anyone, considering our shared brain...

Rachel said...

I'd rather get bird flu than eat sauerkraut... and I'd rather get cancer than drink Guinness on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

Rachael, does that "me too" mean you'll let me force feed YOU sauerkraut, too?
::::rubs hands together with glee::::

Mrs. C

Anonymous said...

I am probably the pickiest eater on the planet, at least in Indiana, and I like sauerkraut. And if Jane needs help forcefeeding the stuff, I'm game to help her.