Friday, November 18, 2005

Please Pass the Caffeine

My mother, my brothers and I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last night. Yes, we are insane.

The FIRST (and most necessary) stop was at Starbucks, where my very favorite brother, Patrick, treated everyone to some much needed caffeine. We waited in line for almost two hours before they let us into the auditorium, where we waited another two hours before the show. We all had books along, so no one got too bored....Except for Andrew, who is always bored.

(Spoiler alert! If you haven't read the book and don't know what happens....uh, read at your own risk.)

The movie itself was fantastic. It didn't seem as intense as it had been made out to be, and was actually more humerous that the others. At least, it seemed so to me. There was a LOT more Fred and George (Yay!!!) and the way this director handled Snape was much more humorous and sympathetic. And, of course, Malfoy the Bouncing Ferret was just priceless......

I admit, I cried when poor Cedric died. *sniffle* I'm just blaming it on the fact that it was getting close to 3:00 in the morning....

The biggest problem I had with it was that they left out Ludo Bagman. I can see why....introducing yet another new character, all of the extra time his scenes would take up.... But, I still would have liked to see him in the movie.

We're going to see it again with my dad sometime soon. I'm sure I'll enjoy it even more the second time around.


shiny said...

Are you *sure* you spelled "caffeine" right? ;o)

Bethany said...

I'm positive.

Anonymous said...

and why exactly could you not post this on OUR blog? ;p

Read my post, I'm interested to know what other people think! :o)

Bethany said...

I forget about our blog. Terribly sorry. ;oP

Erin said...

You went to the midnight showing? Wow. Die-hard. I went Friday night at 6:30PM. It was good, but dang, they left out a LOT it seems. It's really hard to fit such a big book into two and a half hours. It was good though. And since when did you have your own blog (not research)? Did you start it because of our English blog? I did. I'm such a nerd like that. Have a good one!

Bethany said...

Erin! You found me. :o)
I got this blog atthe same time as the English one, but I had been wanting one anyway.
Now I'm going to go check out your blog...:o)