Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Goin' Wild!

I feel so rebellious right now. I completely skipped all three of my classes today! I guess the fact that I have a bad cold-verging on laryngitis has something to do with it, but I like to think I'm just a free-spirit who couldn't take being cooped up in an institution any longer....

Or not.

I've had a wonderful, self-pampering evening. I spent 3 hours curled up, drinking tea, and watching the Gilmore Girls DVDs I got from Netflix. Tonight, after LOST of course, my mother and I are going to watch Sin City. I dunno, but I think Gilmore Girls and Sin City should make an interesting juxtaposition.

And now for something completely different....
YesterdayI had some really great feedback from my piano teacher. I was originally placed into a 200 level piano course, mostly 'cause I completely flubbed my audition (memory, coordination, people-skills, control over tear-ducts....all disappeared.) The GOOD news is that my teacher has decided that that incident was a fluke, that I do have talent, and she's going to work on getting me moved into the 300 level course. That means an extra credit for me. (Gooooood.) It also means that if for some strange reason I should decide to switch my major to music, I could.


shiny said...

Wow, amazing!

I've considered skipping for the sole purpose of getting more sleep, but I just can't bring myself to do it...

Jeff would tell me there's something wrong with me. ;oP

Petersen said...

What did you think of SinCity?

Bethany said...

I liked most of it, though I will admit it took half the movie for the style to grow on me. It did, though. :o)
I wasn't too wild about the part with "Marv" going out to avenge "Goldie," but the whole, "if I don't take my medication I may turn into a psycho killer" thing was cracking me up. (Dude, you're taking your medication and what exactly is the body count already???)