Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm having anger issues this afternoon. The object of my frustration and ire? Ignorant people- racists in particular. Racism is one attitude I have never been able to understand, especially in today's world.

We have a neighbor who in most ways is a lovely person. When she discovered that we are considering moving to an urban neighborhood here in town, however, she was very concerned, and wondered if we really want to live there. What she meant is that there are non-whites in that area and we couldn't possibly want to live around anyone who isn't white. Give me a break.

We've also gotten this reaction from some extended family members. They make cryptic remarks about how "dark" the south side of Fort Wayne is. This is coming from otherwise intelligent, sophisticated people of whom one would expect more.

It's not just interracial-racism either. While Jesse Jackson and his ilk have certainly directed their vitriol against whites, they are also prime examples of how members of the same ethnic or "racial" group can propagate the very stereotypes they claim to rail against. Every time someone refers to a woman like Condoleeza Rice as a sell-out or traitor, they contribute to the idea that all real black people (and women in particular) are downtrodden, unsuccessful, and incapable of helping themselves without selling their souls. Apparently, if a black person wants to "make it" they need the help of their benevolent and caring government. I find the entire idea completely odious.

So that's my rant for the day (week, month, whatever.)


Rick said...

We have relatives that moved from suburban New Orleans - with a demographic that's about as diverse as a polar bear pack, and relatively well-off to boot - to Kentucky because they said their neighborhood was becoming a "white flight" area. I just don't get that.

Ignorance comes in all shapes, sizes, economic and academic levels.

Karmyn R said...

Found you through, what I am assuming is your mother....

Glad to see that you are someone who believes in dealing with people on their own basis - and not the color of their skin. Too bad everyone didn't think this way.

Anonymous said...

The name of the race is human.

We have lived in the south side of Fort Wayne nearly twenty years and are planning to stay.

Stereotypical thinking is an oxymoron.